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Our Mission

We enable stores to build wonderful return experience


We're backed by incredible Numbers


Welcome to Persifund, a leading provider of innovative return management solutions for e-commerce businesses. Our mission is to revolutionize the return process, making it smarter, more efficient, and environmentally friendly. We are proud to be among the very first SaaSs, offering seamless integration to enhance your return experience.

At Persifund, we understand the challenges that e-commerce retailers face when it comes to handling returns. That's why we have developed a comprehensive return management system that saves you time, cost, and contributes to a sustainable future. Our solution automates manual tasks, streamlines processes, and ensures smooth and speedy return handling, all while reducing your carbon footprint.

Why we are here



Our return management system is designed to optimize your operations. By automating tasks and eliminating manual processes, we help you handle returns quickly and efficiently, saving you valuable time and resources.

Our seamless integration enables you to effortlessly integrate our return management system into your existing workflow, ensuring a smooth and cohesive experience for both you and your customers.

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Seamless Integration

Cost Savings

save Money

Our solution is built to help you save money. By streamlining your return processes, reducing errors, and optimizing resource allocation, we help you minimize costs associated with returns, ultimately improving your bottom line.

We believe in sustainability. By digitizing and automating the return process, we contribute to reducing paper waste and unnecessary transportation, making a positive impact on the environment



Dedicated Support

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We are committed to your success. Our team of dedicated experts is always ready to assist you, providing exceptional customer support and guidance throughout your journey with our return management system.


Together, we can improve your customer experience, boost loyalty, and make returns a hassle-free process for you and your valued customers.

Get Started and Delight Your
Customers with ZERO cost NOW!